Saturday 25 August 2007

Wedding bells...

Today my brother josh is getting married. He is marrying a lovely girl called Emily (not that having two Emily Boxalls is going to get confusing or anything... Thankfully one is considerably younger than the other!)

I hadn't thought much about today before. I knew my brother was getting married and I knew I would be going and that it might be fairly stressful with the children and everything but never really considered the actual fact that my brother will now be married and essentially I will be gaining another sister.

I went to the wedding rehearsal last night and I saw how much work Josh and Emily have put into the ceremony and the reception and I felt very proud of my little brother and last night I struggled to get to sleep for a while as I was excited for him. It almost felt like the night before christmas as a child...

I wish them both a beautiful day and a wonderful life together and I know that God will be joining in their joy.

I just hope my suit still fits!

Wednesday 15 August 2007


I am currently on holiday at the moment. Well, a holiday with the children at my in-law's house in Dunstable (Luton by any other name!)

I'm pretty sure holidays are for relaxing... Not so apparently. Despite my in-laws having had 3 children of their own, their house is no longer child proof and so I have spent the last two days running around after my children trying to stop them breaking things...

I brought a stairgate with me and installed it myself (probably the main problem). There was a big banging noise this morning as it crashed down the stairs, narrowly missing one of the children.

All in all, so far I've not relaxed much, but I will be taking my children to the zoo tomorrow and that should be good. (who knows, maybe there'll be an unfortunate encounter with some lions and my holiday will be much more relaxing! Only joking...)

At least I'm getting some time to play my guitar!


Thursday 2 August 2007

The Humans Are Dead

I found this on YouTube and thought I'd share it... What would the world be like without humans?