Friday 15 December 2006

Man Flu

Today I have a cold. Well, technically I've had a cold for a few days now, but today it has come to a head. I can't really breathe very well, my nose is dripping and my muscles are aching. Oh and I keep coughing up big lumps of mucus... All in all I don't feel very well at all. I had to swallow my pride and phone work to tell them that I could not come in today.

And what does my wife call it? That's right: "Man Flu".

I'm not a big fan of that term. It implies that us men are not really ill when we have a cold. It implies that we are making up the symptoms and that in actual fact we could get on with things and that if they (women) had the same thing they would just soldier on and not let it affect them...

I would like to put one thing straight. When we men have a cold of this magnitude we are not faking it and we are not just moping around for moping around's sake. We are ill and deserve any sympathy we can get!

And one last thing: You ladies should all be pleased that all we have is Man Flu, after all, people die of "Bird Flu"!


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