Wednesday 14 February 2007


Yesterday I came to a fairly shocking conclusion: "I AM ADDICTED TO CHOCOLATE!" Now, you may be thinking "That's a bit girly" or "That's a bit extreme, surely he's not really addicted to chocolate, he just really likes it..." but I think it may be more serious than that!

Over Christmas I put on a fair bit of weight and can't seem to shift it. My main downfall is, as you may have guessed, chocolate. I've found that I can go weeks without it, providing I don't get a single taste of it. Once I've tasted it though, I completely lose control and will eat every bit of chocolate I can find.

A couple of days ago I had eaten healthily all day, I sat down in the evening and my wife asked me whether I wanted any chocolate. There was a 400g bar of Cadbury's in the cupboard. I opened the chocolate and gave her one row. Within 7 minutes I had eaten the rest.

The next day I had a major feeling of guilt so went without.

Then, yesterday, having had a healthy breakfast and healthy lunch, I went into work. Someone brought in some chocolate covered chocolate cookies ("Taste the difference range from Sainsbury's - Very, very nice!). I thought to myself "I'll just have one" 1 became 2, 2 became 2 kinder buenos, a small tube of mini eggs, a double decker and a big chocolate spread sandwich. All in the space of an hour.

(I didn't even feel a little sick)

It does make me wonder though. How much have I personally contributed to the world's slavery problem? (Please see

Am I any better than an alcoholic or a drug addict? I know I don't become violent when eating chocolate and I don't resort to crime to fund my "habit" but I am mistreating this body that God has given me. I am spending money on something which I really don't need.

I think I'll try to give it up.

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