Wednesday 29 November 2006

Spirit led worship.

Today I would like to talk about Spirit Led Worship.

I have been listening to a lot of teaching recently on the topic and I have to admit it rocked my world. The last few months, when leading worship at church, I have often been in a place where I felt it was my responsibility to lead people to a place where they could encounter the Holy Spirit. I felt that in order to do that I had to choose songs which would help people to worship God and that once they were worshipping the Spirit would come. I thought I needed a big band and clever arrangements to help me do this.

I now know how wrong I was.

At the Worship Central conference, Al Gordon spoke about worshippers who are filled with the Holy Spirit and how it should be His Spirit leading the worship, not us.

That touched me deeply. I no longer have the responsibility of leading people to that place. My responsibility now is simply to be filled with the Holy Spirit and to allow him to lead. It is all His doing not mine and you would not know how grateful I am of that!

I led worship on Sunday at West End church. It was a small meeting with about 35-40 people there. I got asked to lead on Saturday afternoon so had only a little time to prepare. Having prayed about it, I chose songs which I hoped people would know and that would tie in with the topic for the day, which was "comfort".

I arrived, plugged in my acoustic guitar and before the meeting we prayed. I have been feeling very close to God in the last 2 weeks and I felt His Spirit as we prayed.

All I did on Sunday morning was worship God. There were no drums. There were no clever arrangements and loud electric guitars. There were no keyboards or bass guitar.

And what can I tell you? I could not have asked for a better worship time. I connected with God, but, just as importantly, so did the other people there. And I have to stress, it was nothing I did, because all I did was stand there, play a few chords and sing the songs. The Holy Spirit was there before I picked up my guitar and He was moving.

And I love it when He moves!

See you all soon.

Alex B

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